Protect Your Small Business from a Cyberattack

July 11, 2022

The ability to protect your small business from a cyberattack is the first thing that should be on your mind as you attempt to grow. According to research from experts, a cyberattack can cost a business as much as $4.24 million. This number would be startling for any company, but it’s likely to be especially alarming for a small business owner. You likely don’t have the funds to front millions of dollars in expenses, but your business may be susceptible to cyberattacks, too. There are several essential tips if you’re wondering how to protect your small business from cyberattacks.

Protect Your Small Business

Follow these instructions to secure your business and ensure that sensitive data isn’t vulnerable to hackers.

Always Update Software When Prompted

One of small businesses’ most essential tenets of cyberattack prevention is staying on top of important software updates. It can be easy to click “remind me later,” but procrastinating may come at a price. Businesses implement this to provide essential patches for vulnerabilities. If you fail to install the updates, you may run an out-of-date software version that leaves your computer susceptible to nefarious activity.

Educate Staff Members About Risks

Your employees cause the most significant threat to security. Staff members may leave your computers vulnerable to interception and cyberattack by clicking on links in phishing emails. Additionally, issues can arise when they share their login credentials and violate other common-sense security standards. You can prevent this by educating employees about the most common cyberattack risk factors, including security breaches, hacking campaigns, and compromised login information. Employees can play a productive role in preventing cyberattacks in many cases.

Invest in Cloud-Based Storage Solutions

Another great way to minimize the risk of a cyberattack is to invest in cloud-based platforms for your small business. Many people mistakenly believe that storing information on a local hard drive makes it less susceptible to compromise when the opposite is often true. Unlike your local servers, most cloud storage solutions have robust breach protection. If you need to store sensitive information — for example, customers’ identification details and payment data — it’s best to do so on a cloud-based network.

Have a Cyberattack Response Plan in Place

You can implement prevention all over the system, but it does not eliminate the risk of a cyberattack. For this reason, you must develop a cyberattack response plan and invest in cybersecurity insurance. An insurance policy designed for small businesses can protect against the costs associated with a data breach or any other kind of cyberattack. Liability issues can arise due to the attack. 

About Brooks, Todd & McNeil

Since 1839, the independent agents at Brooks, Todd & McNeil have been pleased to offer our community the best and most affordable policies from various providers. Our dedicated facilitators are ready to work on your claims with their 75 years of combined experience. To learn more about our products and services, contact us today at (800) 448-4567.