Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention

March 25, 2022

What is a catalytic converter?

A catalytic converter is an exhaust emission control device that converts pollutants emitted from your car’s exhaust system into less-harmful gases.

Why are catalytic converters targets for theft?

Fairly easy and quick to remove from the vehicle, catalytic converters are a simple, yet lucrative car part to steal. The converter contains three precious metals that aid in the chemical reaction that makes exhaust pollutants less harmful: platinum, palladium and rhodium.

On the black market, a catalytic converter can fetch as much as $1600 according to the International Association of Auto Theft Investigators. The prices of these metals have risen substantially in recent years. According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB), reported catalytic converter thefts more than quadrupled from 14,433 in 2020 to 65,398 in 2021.

Which type of cars are most likely to be targeted?

Catalytic converters are found in fuel-powered cars that were manufactured after 1978. Low-emissions vehicles are the most likely to be targeted by thieves because they are designed to have highly effective filtration systems, and therefore, higher-quality catalytic converters. To improve functionality, the catalytic converters found in low-emissions vehicles often have higher levels of platinum, rhodium and palladium than other automobiles. A catalytic converter stolen from these vehicles will have a higher value on the black market.

The car with the highest rate of catalytic converter thefts is the Toyota Prius, most notably a Prius made in 2009 or earlier as the older models have a higher concentration of metals than newer models. The Honda Element and CRV are also common targets for converter theft.

Other vulnerable targets include trucks and SUVs because they sit higher off the ground and are easy to crawl underneath to access the catalytic converter which is located between the exhaust manifold and muffler.

How to prevent your catalytic converter from being stolen

While there is inherent risk to owning a vehicle, there are proactive steps you can take to help prevent catalytic converter theft.

Some mechanics will engrave your car’s vehicle identification number (VIN) onto the catalytic converter so that it can be easily identified if stolen. Since the part then becomes easier to track, it may deter some thieves from stealing it. You can also put a sticker on the windshield of your car indicating that your catalytic converter is marked. This may be especially beneficial for those highly vulnerable models.

You can also talk to your mechanic about better securing your catalytic converter to your vehicle. If your converter is bolted on, they may be able to weld those bolts to make it more difficult for thieves to remove. There are also devices that lock around the converter, but they can be more expensive and still not fool-proof in preventing catalytic converter theft.

Here are some other things you can do to help mitigate your risk of theft:

  • Store your vehicles in a garage (or driveway) whenever possible
  • Keep your vehicles parked in well lit areas
  • Park your car in public places
  • Monitor your property with security cameras
  • Install an alarm

How to know if your catalytic converter has been stolen

Stolen catalytic converters are fairly easy to identify. You will notice if yours is missing when you turn on your car. Vehicles without a catalytic converter will make a loud roaring sound that will get louder as you press the gas pedal. In some cars, your check engine light may come on as well.

While you can still typically drive a car without a catalytic converter, it is not advised, and in some states, it may be against the law. You should report the theft as soon as possible. Some cars now come with a sensor that will alert you to the missing catalytic converter and stop your car from functioning without it.

What to do if your catalytic converter is stolen

First and foremost, contact the authorities immediately. Most catalytic converters are brought to scrap yards which sell them to recycling facilities to reclaim the precious metals inside. The sooner you report the theft, the better your chances of recovery especially if you had a VIN etched on the converter. A police report may also be requested by your insurer if you are filing a claim.

How much does it cost to replace a catalytic converter?

According to the NICB, replacing a catalytic converter can generally range in cost anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000. Hire a trusted mechanic to replace your converter and confirm that the thief did not cause any other damage to your vehicle’s exhaust system.

Does insurance cover catalytic converter theft?

Absolutely! Comprehensive auto insurance covers the theft of a catalytic converter, subject to a deductible, so having your vehicle properly insured is important. Contact a Brooks, Todd & McNeil agent to review your policies or help you with a new one. Our team can make sure you have the coverage needed to suit your specific needs.