The Best Ways To Secure Your Valuables at Home

November 28, 2022

Do you have a safe place for your valuables, as well as the best insurance coverage, to secure them in case of a break-in? With the right combination of homeowners, renters, and personal property insurance, you can replace stolen or damaged items, but how can you keep your most precious belongings safe in the first place?

Secure Your Valuables with the Best Strategy

The key is a combination of caution and forethought. Likewise, it is essential to have the best coverage and then implement a good strategy.

Find the Right Personal Property Insurance

While renters and homeowners insurance covers some personal property, it may not include highly valuable items:

  • Collectibles
  • Fine art
  • Jewelry
  • Musical instruments
  • Antiques

Instead, you need a specialized policy: valuable personal property insurance, which covers items worth more than $100. When choosing your policy, clarify with your agent whether it covers the replacement cost or the actual value. Then, discuss the replacement cost it would take to replace the item, while actual value is the monetary worth, which depreciates over time.

Choose Unusual Hiding Places

Don’t keep valuable items out for everyone to see, especially if you have maintenance professionals coming over. Of course, most people don’t intend to steal others’ belongings, but you can never be too careful. For maximum protection, secure cash and expensive items in safes, preferably in well-hidden places.

Unfortunately, savvy burglars will probably search in the first few places you think of:

  • Under the bed
  • On the highest closet shelf
  • In the underwear drawer

Instead, consider out-of-the-box locations that intruders would have a difficult time getting to:

  • Under floorboards
  • Under a false drawer bottom
  • Inside the ductwork

Install a Security System

Security systems are significant crime deterrents, as most criminals prefer easy marks. Visible cameras, smart doorbells, and motion-activated lights signal that you take safety seriously. If someone is foolish enough to break in, your security system ensures the authorities know immediately. Cameras can catch crucial evidence to track the perpetrators and reclaim your belongings.

Home monitoring systems protect your belongings from flooding, fire, and other accidents. That way, you don’t have to rely on a neighbor to check while you’re out of town — you can rest easy knowing your security company is on top of it. If you have a smart system, you can even check the status of the cameras on your phone.

Avoid Making Your Home a Target

If you’re going on vacation or have made a big purchase recently, be careful not to accidentally present yourself as a prime burglary target. For example, packages piling up outside your house indicate no one’s home, creating the perfect opportunity for a break-in. Additionally, empty furniture and electronics packaging showcase the valuables that may tempt would-be intruders.

Update Your Personal Property Insurance

Remember to update your personal property insurance when you acquire a new high-cost possession. Insurance companies require documentation of items and their value, so create a detailed list, and don’t forget to take pictures. Depending on the worth of your belongings, you may need to increase your coverage amount.

About Brooks, Todd & McNeil

Since 1839, the independent agents at Brooks, Todd & McNeil have been pleased to offer our community the best and most affordable policies from a variety of providers. Our dedicated facilitators are ready to put their 75 years of combined experience to work on your claims. To learn more about our products and services, contact us today at (800) 448-4567.